
El Batallon de San Patricio
Director: Jaime Chavez
Executive Producer: Daniel Schreck
Genre: Documentary
The Spanish version with English subtitles that follows the story of the St. Patrick Battalion through the art of Emanuel Martinez, Tomas Villa, and the music of Kiko Glenn Rodriguez, and the narration of Daniel Schreck as the Irish soldiers move through North American and Mexican history centered on the U.S.-Mexico War of 1846-7. Focussed mostly on the life of Sergeant John Reilly, the film takes a human interest approach to the conflict between the two countries, while, at the same time, providing a historical overview of those events, employing mostly historically-based artistic lithographs, as well as original facsimile art envisioned by the aforementioned modern artists.
The Scrapbook
Director: Jaime Chavez
Executive Producer: Daniel Schreck
Genre: Documentary
A film detailing the revolutionary artistic transformation of Emanuel Martinez.
As a muralist, painter and sculptor he occupies an outstanding status among nationally known artists. Since establishing a studio in 1968, Martinez has received international acclaim and prestigious awards for his design capabilities and high standards of workmanship. He enjoys personalizing compositions for clients and doing public works of art for site-specific environments. His work is lively, timeless, yet conveys a sense of serenity. He has been featured in over 300 newspaper/magazine articles and 37 published books, including a book written on his art career entitled: “Emanuel Martinez: A Retrospective”.

Sacred Poison
Director: Yvonne Latty
Special Thanks: Earl Tulley
Genre: Documentary
This documentary offers a look at the deadly consequences of uranium mining on the Navajo and their efforts to keep history from repeating itself in light of a renewed interest in mining both coal and uranium on the reservation. Most of all, this is a story of empowerment.

Las Acequias Lifeblood of New Mexico
Director: Jaime Chavez
Executive Producer: Daniel Schreck
Genre: Documentary
Las Acequias, Bloodlife of New Mexico was made at an important time when we are facing many challenges with our environment and water issues in our Nation and our communities. This film illustrates the cultural, historical, ecological, and spiritual significance of water and acequia life in New Mexico. Not only is water important for physical survival but it keeps our spirits, community, and history alive as well.

Corrientes de la Frontera
Director: Jaime Chavez
Genre: Documentary
The story of Border Currents is based on the struggle of the campesinos of the village of Bocoyna and the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Madre mountains in Chihuahua to preserve their forest against lumber companies in collusion with a local cacique to appropriate their common resources for private gain.
The story follows them to a protest against NAFTA on the Cordova bridge in Juarez. Carlos Marentes from Sin Fronteras in El Paso and Victor Quintana Silveyra, an organizer, and former PRD congressman from Chihuahua, are seen helping to lead the protest.
San Patricio Battalion
Directors: Daniel Schreck
Writer/Producer: Daniel Schreck
Genre: Documentary
The film follows the story of the St. Patrick Battalion through the art of Emanuel Martinez, Tomas Villa, and the music of Kiko Glenn Rodriquez, and the narration of Daniel Schreck as the Irish soldiers move through North American and Mexican history centered on the U.S.-Mexico War of 1846-7. Focussed mostly on the life of Sergeant John Reilly, the DVD takes a human interest approach to the conflict between the two countries, while, at the same time, providing an historical overview of those events, employing mostly historically-based artistic lithographs, as well as original facsimile art envisioned by the aforementioned modern artists.